Photo Hotspots in Hurghada

29 Photo Hotspots in Hurghada 2024 [Insider’s List Beyond Tourist Areas]

Hey fellow wanderers and photo enthusiasts! If there’s one thing that makes my heart flutter with excitement, it’s the prospect of exploring a destination through the lens of my trusty camera.This photo hotspots in Hurghada are a must so today, I’m your companion on a visual escapade to none other than the captivating shores of Hurghada, where every snapshot tells a story of sun-soaked days and Red Sea wonders.

Photo Hotspots in Hurghada

Are you prepared to immerse yourself in the vibrant tapestry of this coastal haven, ready to unravel the secrets that lie in its hidden corners and unveil the photographic poetry that dances through the air?

Imagine stepping onto silky sands that hug the shores like a warm embrace, the sea breeze playing with your hair as you embark on a journey through time and beauty. I’ve traversed the sun-kissed streets and hidden corners of Hurghada, and trust me, this place is a treasure trove for those who see the world through the eyes of a photographer.

As we delve into the heart of Hurghada, we’ll uncover the photogenic secrets that lurk around every corner. From the vibrant chaos of local markets where spices create a symphony of colors to the serene old towns where history whispers through ancient alleyways, each step feels like a dance with visual poetry.

But the adventure doesn’t stop there. Immerse yourself in Hurghada’s vibrant canvas, exploring underwater wonders with coral reefs bursting in enchanting hues. The marine life becomes the star of your underwater photo op. Beyond the waves, envision gliding over desert dunes during the golden hour, transforming the landscape into a dreamy canvas. Hurghada is more than a destination; it’s a visual symphony waiting to be captured.

So, dear kindred spirits, grab your cameras, charge those batteries, and join me on a visual voyage through Hurghada’s photo hotspots. Whether you’re seeking the perfect sunset shot, the cultural essence of the old towns, or the hidden gems known only to locals, we’re about to paint our Instagram feeds with the colors of this enchanting coastal haven.

Beach and the Mosque, Ridiculously Beautiful Photo Hotspots in Hurghada

Why to Visit Ridiculously Beautiful Photo Hotspots in Hurghada?

Memory Preservation

Photographs freeze moments in time, allowing you to preserve and revisit cherished memories. They serve as tangible reminders of experiences, people, and places that shape our lives.


Every photograph tells a story. Whether it’s a single image or a series, photography has the power to narrate narratives, capture emotions, and communicate messages. It’s a universal language that transcends barriers.

Connection to the World

Photography allows you to connect with the world around you. By observing and capturing the beauty of landscapes, cultures, and people, you cultivate a deeper appreciation for the diversity and wonder that exists globally.

Legacy Building

Through photographs, you contribute to your legacy. Your images become a visual inheritance for future generations, providing a glimpse into the past and a shared heritage for your family and community.

Desert Safari and Giftun Island, Primary Photo Locations Must-take Pictures in Hurghada

Primary Photo Locations:
Must-take Pictures in Hurghada

1. Makadi Bay Beaches

Capture the ethereal beauty of Makadi Bay during sunrise or sunset, with the soft hues of the sky reflected on the calm waters. Frame the shot to include the untouched sandy shores, creating a serene and captivating seascape.

2. Giftun Islands

Dive into the underwater wonderland surrounding the Giftun Islands and photograph the kaleidoscope of colors in the coral reefs. Snapshots of exotic marine life, create a vivid visual narrative of the Red Sea’s biodiversity.

3. El Gouna Canals

Explore the charm of El Gouna’s intricate canal system, particularly during the enchanting hours of sunset or nightfall. Capture the reflections of the illuminated buildings on the water, showcasing the romantic allure of this Venetian-inspired destination.

4. Desert Safari

Embark on a desert safari adventure and photograph the mesmerizing landscape during the golden hour. Capture the shifting hues of the desert sands as the sun sets, creating a cinematic panorama of the arid beauty surrounding Hurghada.

5. Hurghada Marina

Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of Hurghada Marina and capture the lively energy, especially after dusk. Frame shots of the marina’s skyline aglow with lights, reflecting on the water, and showcase the dynamic blend of modernity and coastal charm.

6. St. Anthony Monastery

Journey to the St. Anthony Monastery and photograph the tranquility that envelopes the ancient structures. Capture the monastery’s timeless beauty against the backdrop of a sunrise or in the gentle glow of daylight, preserving the spiritual ambiance.

7. New Marina Boulevard

Stroll along the New Marina Boulevard and engage in street photography, capturing the blend of contemporary architecture and the lively local scene. Showcase the intersection of modernity and culture, reflecting the vibrant pulse of Hurghada.

8. Sheraton Road Promenade

Document the daily life along the Sheraton Road Promenade with candid shots of street vendors, local interactions, and the dynamic street atmosphere. Capture the authentic charm of this bustling thoroughfare.

9. Sahl Hasheesh Old Town

Explore the timeless allure of Sahl Hasheesh Old Town and capture the rustic charm of traditional architecture. Frame shots that highlight the intricate details of local life, preserving the unique character of this historic area.

10. Hurghada Mosque

Visit the Hurghada Mosque and photograph its architectural grandeur, especially during moments of prayer or when the sunlight accentuates its design. Capture the spiritual essence and cultural significance of this iconic landmark.

11. Sand City Hurghada

Explore the artistic wonders of Sand City Hurghada and capture the intricate sand sculptures. Frame shots that showcase the temporary beauty of these masterpieces, highlighting the intersection of art and the natural environment.

12. Senzo Mall

Capture the urban vibe around Senzo Mall, showcasing the modern side of Hurghada. Engage in street photography to document the blend of shopping, entertainment, and contemporary architecture that defines this bustling commercial hub.

Local women preparing bread and the Old town, Pretty Photo Locations Secret Photography Spots in Hurghada

Pretty Photo Locations:
Secret Photography Spots in Hurghada

13. Hidden Coral Reefs

Venture beyond popular snorkeling spots to discover hidden coral reefs teeming with marine life. These secluded underwater havens offer unique photo opportunities capturing the vibrant colors and untouched beauty of the Red Sea.

14. Magawish Island

Escape to Magawish Island, a tranquil and less-explored gem near Hurghada. Capture the pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and the sense of isolation, providing a serene backdrop for your photos.

15. Soma Bay Lagoons

Explore the secluded lagoons of Soma Bay, where the calm waters create mirror-like reflections. Capture the interplay of sunlight and shadows in this hidden oasis, offering a peaceful escape for intimate photography sessions.

16. Wadi Gimal National Park

Journey to Wadi Gimal National Park for a unique blend of desert and sea landscapes. Capture the contrast between the golden dunes and the azure waters, and explore hidden coves and inlets for secluded photo spots.

17. Marsa Alam Coastal Pools

Discover the natural coastal pools near Marsa Alam, a lesser-known destination near Hurghada. These shallow pools create stunning reflections, and the surrounding landscape provides a secret haven for capturing unspoiled beauty.

18. Dahar District Alleyways

Wander through the narrow alleyways of Dahar District, away from the bustling tourist areas. Document the everyday life, vibrant colors, and hidden details of this authentic part of Hurghada, providing a unique perspective on local culture.

19. Abu Nuhas Shipwrecks

Dive into the photography opportunities around the Abu Nuhas shipwrecks, an off-the-beaten-path location for underwater enthusiasts. Capture the haunting beauty of these submerged vessels, each telling its own story.

20. El Quseir Old Town

Step back in time by exploring the old town of El Quseir, a historical and relatively quiet area. Photograph the charming architecture, narrow streets, and the timeless ambiance that defines this hidden corner of Hurghada.

21. Mangroovy Beach

Visit Mangroovy Beach, a lesser-known stretch of shoreline that offers seclusion and tranquility. Capture the untouched beauty of the beach, framed by mangroves, and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere away from the crowds.

22. Ras Abu Soma Peninsula

Journey to the Ras Abu Soma Peninsula for hidden viewpoints overlooking the Red Sea. Capture panoramic shots from these secret vantage points, showcasing the expansive coastline and the undisturbed natural beauty.

23. Shaab Abu Ramada

Explore the underwater wonders of Shaab Abu Ramada, a secluded dive site known for its vibrant coral gardens. Document the diverse marine life and capture the unique features of this lesser-known spot.

24. Sinai Peninsula Views

Venture to the Sinai Peninsula for breathtaking views of the Red Sea and surrounding landscapes. Capture the dramatic scenery from secret viewpoints, providing a sense of awe and seclusion in your photographs.

Are you looking for a Spectacular Resort?

9 Best Luxury Resorts To Stay At In Hurghada

Rixos Hotel Beach and Bazaar Exclusive Photo Locations High-end Spots in Hurghada

Exclusive Photo Locations:
High-end Spots in Hurghada

25. The Oberoi Beach Resort, Sahl Hasheesh

This ultra-luxurious resort in Sahl Hasheesh, The Oberoi, offers a pristine private beach, elegant architecture, and lush landscapes. Capture the opulent interiors, panoramic sea views, and the resort’s unique charm.

26. Baron Palace Sahl Hasheesh

Known for its grandeur and sophistication, Baron Palace is an exquisite beachfront resort. Photograph the lavish interiors, expansive pools, and meticulously landscaped gardens, creating a visual narrative of luxury.

27. Rixos Premium Magawish Suites & Villas

Rixos Premium Magawish is synonymous with luxury, offering private villas and lavish suites. Capture the private plunge pools, upscale dining areas, and the overall elegance that characterizes this high-end accommodation.

28. Jaz Casa del Mar Resort

Situated on its private stretch of beach, Jaz Casa del Mar Resort is a high-end destination. Photograph the chic interiors, infinity pools, and the exclusive atmosphere that sets this resort apart.

29. The Grand Palace Soma Bay

This luxurious property in Soma Bay offers a palatial experience. Photograph the grand architecture, sprawling grounds, and the upscale amenities that define The Grand Palace Soma Bay.

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inside the hotel room in Mexico City
Hurghada City, Instagramable Places in Hurghada

Useful Tips for Your Instagramable Experiences in Hurghada

Golden Hour Magic

Take advantage of the magical golden hour around sunrise and sunset for the most flattering natural light. The warm hues of the sun during these times enhance the beauty of your photos, whether you’re on the beach, in the desert, or exploring the city.

Capture Vibrant Underwater Scenes

If you’re into underwater photography, explore the rich marine life of the Red Sea. Use a waterproof camera or a reliable underwater case to capture the vibrant coral reefs and exotic fish. Crystal-clear waters provide excellent visibility for stunning shots.

Highlight Local Culture

Showcase the rich cultural tapestry of Hurghada by capturing moments in local markets, traditional districts, and cultural events. Engage with locals, share their stories, and document the authentic side of the destination.

Explore Hidden Gems

Venture off the beaten path to discover hidden gems and secret spots. Whether it’s a secluded beach, an undiscovered café, or a charming alleyway, these unique locations can provide a fresh perspective for your Instagram feed.

Luxury Living Shots

If you’re staying at a luxurious resort, capture the upscale amenities, chic interiors, and exclusive services. Highlighting the lavish aspects of your accommodation can add a touch of sophistication to your Instagram feed.

Aerial Views

Consider taking a helicopter or hot air balloon ride for breathtaking aerial shots of Hurghada’s coastline, desert, and landmarks. Aerial views provide a unique and impressive perspective for your Instagram audience.

What about the Egyptian Capital?

Is a Day Trip to Cairo from Hurghada Worth It?

I’m thrilled to share something special – Personalized Travel Itineraries for Hurghada! After falling head over heels for the magic of this coastal haven, I decided to curate personalized itineraries tailored just for you.

Whether you’re chasing sunsets on Makadi Bay or seeking the hidden gems of El Quseir, let me be your guide to crafting an unforgettable journey through Hurghada. It’s not just an itinerary; it’s a personalized love letter to the beauty and wonder this destination has to offer. Let’s turn your travel dreams into reality, one personalized moment at a time

Let’s turn your travel dreams into reality, one personalized moment at a time.

The Oberoi resort seen from the water, Hot Photo Spot

Scenic Spots in Hurghada

What is special about Hurghada?

Hidalgo, Mexico, is a captivating destination with a myriad of interesting facets. Renowned for its rich mining history, the city of Pachuca boasts architectural gems like the iconic Reloj Monumental and underground tunnels that unravel tales of resilience and industry. Beyond its urban charm, Hidalgo embraces natural wonders, including the enchanting El Chico National Park, where lush landscapes and hiking trails beckon nature enthusiasts.

Is Hurghada worth seeing?

Pachuca, Hidalgo, is generally considered safe for tourists. Like any city, it’s advisable to take standard precautions, such as being aware of your surroundings and safeguarding belongings. Stick to well-traveled areas, especially at night, and use reputable transportation. The city has a welcoming atmosphere, and visitors often enjoy a safe and pleasant experience.

Is Hurghada a good holiday destination?

Pachuca is known for its rich mining history, iconic landmarks like the Reloj Monumental, vibrant cultural events, and the charming blend of traditional and modern influences in its architecture and cuisine.

What to expect in Hurghada?

Pachuca is known for its rich mining history, iconic landmarks like the Reloj Monumental, vibrant cultural events, and the charming blend of traditional and modern influences in its architecture and cuisine.

Helpful Tip

Wander through hidden alleys, discover secret beaches, and capture the untouched beauty that often lies beyond the well-trodden paths.

Yachts in Marina Hurghada, Snapshot-Worthy Sites in Hurghada

Snapshot-Worthy Sites in Hurghada

All in all, I hope these insights inspire your lens to capture the essence of this coastal gem. From the vibrant tapestry of local markets to the underwater wonders of the Red Sea and the serene beauty of hidden corners, Hurghada invites you to paint your memories with every click. Until the next click-worthy adventure, farewell from the picturesque shores of Hurghada!

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